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Школа №7 у 1920 році
Школа №7 у 1920 році

         In 1918-19 academic year in the building of  T.I. Fedorchenko gymnasium , 52 Sadova (Gorkyi) Street,  Belska Secondary Women's school was opened  (on the basis of  Belska Women's Gymnasium) . The lessons there were conducted in Russian. The school had 7 classes, 284 students. In 1920 it was rename and the 7-th labor school appeared. There were 4 classrooms which were heated with so-called Dutch furnaces and were lighted with kerosene lamps. There were 80 desks and pupils were set in groups of 3. There were no textbooks. School building needed repairing.

       The well-known  teachers of that time were Maria Shcherbyna, Peter Senko,  Dubrova, Terlytskyy and others. There were 12 teachers at school. In 1921, in two school-buildings 7 groups studied (222 pupils), and 18 teachers worked. In 1922 the school moved into a new building – it’s our modern address. There were 7 groups, 155 pupils and 12 teachers. The first school principal was Maria Shcherbyna, and in 1923-25 - Volodymyr  Kolodub.   The new pioneer organization was created at school.

     After February 1, 1923 School No. 7 became the Labour  school named after T. G. Shevchenko, and Ukrainian was the main language for teaching there. The first School Committee was created at school, and Chornomaz was elected as its Chairman. The school staff realized a great social work as well as work to create new classrooms. Soon school No. 7 gained its material base, the number of pupils in the school increased.

     In 1924/25 academic year it was a building were 282 pupils studied in 7 groups in 4 classrooms and 11 teachers worked.  In 1926 there were 12 teachers – L.M.Liozina, G.S.Kotliarevskyi, G.S.Dubrova, M.G.Shcherbyna, M.F.Kozina, Y.N.Marynenko. Children from the orphanages studied there.

     In 1925-1930 Y.G. Kanevskyi was the Headmaster of the school. Many different hobby-groups worked: Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Literature, Sports, the chorus.  The Literary group published the best pupils works in its magazine, called "The first furrow".  In 1927 a new hobby-group for young electricians was founded (16 pupils).

     In 1929, the school staff, headed by I.Z.Chmil, worked at pupils professional training  -  there was a special area where vegetables and flowers were grown. The  school children's choir was very popular too.

     In the 30-ies the school principal was Kindrat  Shiyan;  such teachers as Nadiya Korovai, Oleksiy Pyrih,  Muzychenko, Leonid Hilko, Vira Pavlushchenko, Antonina Pogrebniak (repressed in 1937),  N.A.Shiyan and L.P.Hilko were killed by German soldiers in 1941.

     During the Nazi-Fascist occupation the school building was used as a military hospital. Retreating Nazis burned school.  November 12, 1943, School №7 resumed schooling in the second shift: first, in the building of school No. 2, then school No 4, and in 1945-48, in the building on 152 Lenin Street (modern neuropsychiatric clinic). There were 5 classrooms, a staffroom, a buffet. The Principal of the school was Ivan Kolos. In 1948 the main school building was repaired, and 425 pupils studied there.


Школа №7 у 1957 році
Школа №7 у 1957 році

     In 1955 School No. 7 became the first school in the city which realized the production learning.  Pupils of Forms 8-10 took practical training at the plant "Budmash".  The founder of such practice was the school Principal Mykola Hanzha, who headed the teaching staff over 25 years. Under his guidance 5 new classrooms and a dining room appeared.  He was awarded the Order of Lenin.

     In 1960/61 academic year the school worked in one shift, there were 13 classes, 437 pupils, 27 teachers there.  In 1966 - 14 forms, 510 pupils, 34 teacers: P.P.Babich, L.A.Pyrih, I.T.Vada, I.F.Grytsay, P.Loboda, O.I.Kalenichenko, V.I,Liamich, N.O.Syneneko, G.O.Butko, G.I.Fastiy, O.K.Panych, M.S.Paliukh, O.F.Solianyk, O.OShevchenko, G.F.Rudenko, I.T.Vada.

    Pedagogical staff and the pupils were active participants of amateur art activities and repeatedly  were awarded  in various reviews.

    The primary military training at school is at a quite high level, thanks to the leader of this work L.G Kotolov, a former officer, a member of the war, the medals and orders combat. Many school-leavers became the officers of the armed forces.

    In 1977, the school was given one more building – the former Pedagogical College, which is located on 36 K. Marx Street. The classrooms of the primary school  and after-school groups are situated in this building. It gives school an opportunity to work in one shift.

   The history of the school is not over. It continues and we create it.




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